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For People Living with FASD​


Braided Cord

A website dedicated to highlighting success of people who live with FASD.

In Their Own Words

Poems and other written submissions by people living with FASD.


Eastern School District: Community Resource Guide

This site provides a list of resource links in the Eastern School District for parents - and had a .pdf
document that you can download with the comprehensive list that contains contact information


Department of Education document for teaching students with FASD,

Government of Alberta

This educational resource (belonging to the Government of Alberta, Department of Education) is
specifically written for people who are teaching students with FASD. Each section of their document is
downloadable as pdf files.

Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador

Government of NL’s Department of Education has a policy for Student Support Services if a student
meets certain criteria – of which FASD is included.

Parenting Guidelines for Families of Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects

The Victoria Order of Nurses (VON) Canada has a free downloadable document called Parenting
Guidelines for Families of Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects.


For adoptive/foster parents & caregivers

This website is designed to educate adoptive or foster parents/caregivers who are raising a child with


Mother-Centered Policy Values

This educational diagram created by Lorraine Greaves and Nancy Poole (2007) highlights important
values for any policy maker that is responsible for mothers with mental health or addiction issues.

Provincial and Other Canadian Resources​

Planned Parenthood: Newfoundland & Labrador’s Sexual Health Centre

Planned Parenthood is a non-profit, pro-choice sexual health centre serving all parts of the province.
The office is based out of St. John’s. They work with community-based and government organizations
to achieve the goals of positive attitudes toward sexuality, responsible sexual practices and preventive
health care.

Best Start (Government of Ontario)

This site, hosted by Best Start, lists numerous resources that are available by downloading or ordering
(mail) – some free and some at cost. Resources include posters, mocktail recipe booklets, brochures,
reports, ads, reference guides and handbooks.

Key Worker Program (BC)

In British Columbia, there is a Key Worker Program providing culturally sensitive assistance to family
units with children/youth ages 0-19 who may have FASD. This website describes a highly successful
and effective program.

BC’s Healthy Choices in Pregnancy

British Columbia’s Healthy Choices in Pregnancy (Provincial Education & Resource Development)
offers numerous free and downloadable resources such as:
1) Women & Alcohol: Women’s Health Resources;
2) Double Exposure: A Better Practices Review on Alcohol Interventions during Pregnancy;
3) Supporting Change: Preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (resource to support services
providers in their work with women).

Alcohol Policy Network

The Alcohol Policy Network is devoted to Canadian alcohol policy issues. Webinars and other events
are posted on this site.

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) posts how the federal government has invested in a Pan-
Canadian FASD Initiative. There are also several links and resources/guidelines posted on this page.


Asante Centre

The Asante Centre for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is located in British Columbia. They offer diagnostic,
assessment and family support services based on a multidisciplinary team approach.

FASD Connections

Comprised of several FASD consultants. They host a website that is not updated frequently but
contains a wealth of information. The Critical Issues page is organized by topic; Featured Articles are
linked or downloadable; In Their Own Words is a collection of writing people living with FASD; and
The Birth Mom’s Page is a great resource for people who are birth mothers or want to understand more
about the issues surrounding birth mothers.

Department of Education, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador

Government of NL’s Department of Education has a policy for Student Support Services if a student
meets certain criteria – of which FAS is included.

Centre for Addictions & Mental Health (CAMH)

The Centre for Addictions and Mental Health (CAMH) provides clear and organized information on
FASD, symptoms of FASD, managing and working with FASD. This site also contains information
aimed at primary caregiver, educators of children and youth as well as public health & health
promotion workers on issued related to addictions and mental health.


Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA)

Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) hosts a site dedicated to FASD – aimed at Canadian
practitioners that are/want to address FASD. This organization offers a toll free phone information and
reference service.


International FASD Conference Footage

Every other year (odd years), there is an international FASD conference held in Canada. This website
posts video footage of all keynote and large group presentations made at the 2011 conference in
Vancouver, BC.

FASD & Justice

This site is designed for justice system professionals and others who want to understand more about
FASD. It provides information and resources about FASD, including background information, case law,
legal resources and strategies for effective intervention.

Manitoba Coalition on Alcohol and Pregnancy

This coalition was started in 1993 and consulted people within health, social services, First Nations,
communities and parents. The five main areas of concern are:

1) prevention;
2) health & treatment services;
3) education;
4) judicial & correction services; and
5) community social services & parent support.


Across the Lifespan

Hosted by the Government of Alberta, this site is a portal into provincial initiatives, networks,
educational training, research & evaluations and publications.

Lakeland Centre for FASD

Lakeland offers a Summer Camp, diagnostic & assessments for children and adults, mothers-to-be
mentorship, training and presentations.


Whitecrow Village FASD Society

A non-profit, charitable organisation committed to educating communities and professionals about
FASD and to improving the lives of those who are affected by this prominent neurodevelopmental


Canada Northwest FASD Research Network (CanFASD)

A formally and informally connected group of professionals from a range of research sciences, and
located across Canada.



This site gives access to academic journal articles, as listing of FASD-related conferences/events and
information on the annual FACE (Fetal Alcohol Canadian Expertise) Research Network and

​Prevention & Addiction​

Addiction Centre

This website has information on addictions and has a toll free number for people to call with addiction support (based out of the US). 


Prevention Approaches

This website highlights the work of the (Canadian) FASD Network Action Team – dedicated to
addressing FASD prevention from a women’s health determinants perspective.

FASD Prevention 101

This website lists various publications, documents, books and guidelines that address FASD

FASD Prevention Blog

This is a blog dedicated to “Girls, Women, Alcohol and Pregnancy: Perspectives on FASD Prevention”.
It is well-maintained, organized and up-to-date blog hosted by the Network Action Team on FASD
Prevention from a Women’s Health Determinants Perspective.

Pregnancy-Related Issues in the Management of Addictions (PRIMA)

Designed to help health professionals provide care for women with problematic substance use during
pregnancy and after delivery. This website is intended to be informational and a portal into other

FAS Diagnostic & Prevention Network

Established in 1993, is a network of Washington State (U.S.) community-based interdisciplinary FASD
diagnostic clinics linked by the Centre of Human Development & Disability at the University of
Washington in Seattle. This site provides a lot of information on screening, diagnosis, surveillance,
intervention, prevention, research, literature and more.

Science on Addiction

This site is hosted by an author (Dirk Hanson) of multiple books and writing that critically looks at the
science of addiction.

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

An FASD Centre for Excellence, a U.S. federal initiative devoted to preventing FASD and supporting
those who live with FASD. This site provides information and resource links and materials.

How much is too much? – Media Article

Published on November 23, 2011. This article is a response to a British study on small amounts of
alcohol consumed during pregnancy showing no effects. It includes responses from Canada’s Stirling
Clarren and Nancy Poole – both highly regarded FASD experts.


National Screening Tool Kit

The Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres (CAPHC) released a National Screening Took
Kit for Children and Youth Identified and Potentially Affected by FASD in 2011. To learn more about
this toolkit and its components, visit this site.

General Information​

CDC Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Application

This app is hosted by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the U.S. and provides a way for users to
access the latest information related to alcohol and pregnancy and FASD. It targets people a wide range
of audiences - from women planning a pregnancy to health care providers to families and educators,
this application allows users to easily find and share the latest in the prevention, recognition, and
treatment of FASDs.

Get up on it. Online.

This is a site designed for teens – encouraging community involvement and avoid developing problems
with alcohol drugs and gambling.
Depending on your location, you may have access to an FASD Resource Library. Resources may
include a range from children’s books for kids about FASD, books for parents and caregivers,
educational strategies, information for social workers and other frontline workers who work with youth
and young adults with FASD, and FASD screening toolkits for health professionals.
See below for a listing
people/locations that have an FASD Resource Library:

● Nunatsiavut
● Sheshatshiu
● Natuashish
● Corner Brook
● Grand Falls-Windsor
● St. John’s

  • For People Living with FASD
  • Education/Teaching/Parenting
  • Provincial/Territorial & Canadian Resources
  • Prevention, Mental Health & Addiction
  • Diagnoses/Diagnostics
  • General Information

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